Javascript, turn function to string based calculator
Like C#, also in javascript, it’s pretty easy to do string-based math.
By following the steps below, performing math operations or creating a simple calculator with the function class and regex can be done quickly.
(Source: My Github)
function calc(operation) {
if(!operation.match(/[0-9%^*\/()\-+.]/g)) {
throw 'only use numbers and operators'
//remove all whitespaces
operation = operation.replace(/\s+/g, '')
//if parenthesis on the side of the digit then replace
//etc. 1(2+2) to 1*(2+2)
operation = operation.replace(/(-?\d)(\()/g, '$1*$2')
//etc. (2+2)1 to (2+2)*1
operation = operation.replace(/(-?\))(\d)/g, '$1*$2')
//etc. --+ to +
operation = operation.replace(/\-{2}/g, '+')
//etc. ++ more operation letter to one +
operation = operation.replace(/\+{2,}/, '+')
return Function(`return +${operation}`)()